Join the LWBProject Community

If You are a professional why is LWB for You?

LWBProject allows you to apply your skills in concrete projects and to relate to the world of work.

In LWBProject you to test yourself, pushing your limits and always achieving new goals, becoming used to working in a team environment, alongside motivated and enthusiastic people.

Why join LWB if You are a not for profit organization?

LWBProject coordinates a network of practitioners at the international, national and local level with many years of experience in different areas such as: social and cultural, targeted innovation.

The network operates with common assumptions in the development of strategies that give "energy to the dreams."

The network was created to share technical, professional and managerial skills, to promote joint projects, strengthen the process of research and development of innovative products and solutions and to promote the activities of individual companies through marketing and communication campaigns.

The interest of the network participants directs the research activities around topical issues relating to various sectors, and participation in projects financed by European calls, etc.

Come and have a coffee with Us

We will bring the cup and the coffee. You bring the dream.

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